torsdag den 17. maj 2012

Strength of a Viking - Where Did He Get It?

It's known The Weed From The Sea was an everyday little part of daily diet among my ancestors, the Vikings to whom I owe the spelling of my very name.

Doubt have been formulated it should actually be pure truth seaweed actually was a well integrated part of everyday food for as long back to the time of our earliest ancestors living in the time before the last Iceage up in Europe untill the end of the time of the Vikings a thousandth of years ago.

How can One measure these realities or if they arn't?


It's all a matter of physical and psychological wellbeing :-)
Living like that becoming more than a hundred years old
was actually Heaven at Earth for Mankind :-)

Unfortunately it's impossible to be aware of the inner content of the truth I'm talking about, thinking seaweed is nothing but disgusting, poor mans food only to be consumed when absolutely nothing else is available.
Thus the mind have no access at all to grap the very idea and the whole concept of it :-(

These days my ancestors are mostly thought of as extremely violent and brutal beasts, better dead than alive.
Some have worshipped them for this but this is not my aim with this article.

Forgotten it is my ancestors were the very creators of a worldwide trading Impire based on peaceful coexcistence based on the best of the good old virtues.
DK is still today upholding this tradition with ships carrying load all over the oceans of the entire world.

Even more forgotten it is what it's like to be in heaven at earth thanks to mostly seaweed in the dayli meals. Today in DK it's such an disaster of human diseases folks even thinking of it as something natural that has to be like this...

Hmmm... All of you people suffering for good on purpose.
I'm inviting all of you to come back to the very state it is experiencing fullgrown vitality psycholigically and organical wellbeing.

All it takes is to reintegrate seaweed in your daily diet nor what so ever you prefere to eat!
