Kan indholdsstoffer i tang gøre noget for at
hjælpe mennesker der har AIDS?/Can compounds in seaweed do something to help
people with AIDS?
(This article is written
both in english and danish/denne artikel er skrevet såvel på dansk som på
engelsk. I’ve written the danish sentences first, then the english ones J)
Det her er historien om
kvinden til venstre på billedet. Hendes navn er Jane Teas. Amerikansk
videnskabskvinde der arbejdede ved University of South
Carolina, Columbia, USA, nu pensioneret men stadigvæk aktiv.
This is the story
of the woman at the left. She’s a female scientist whom did work at University of South Carolina,
USA, Jane Teas, now retired but still active.
Gennem mere end 30 år
har Jane forsket i tangs indholdsstoffer og dokumenteret hvad de kan gøre for
vores helbred og immunforsvar.
For more than thirty years Jane have studied the compounds of seaweed,
what they can do for human health/immunesystem and documented every piece of it
in the community of science.
De seneste 10 år har hun
fordybet sig i, hvad tang har at tilbyde mennesker der har AIDS. Normalt
forsøger videnskabsfolk sig med rotter og mus. Det har Jane også gjort, men
hendes seneste publikation baserer sig på forsøg med en gruppe mennesker, der
har AIDS.
The last decade Jane has gone to the depths what seaweed has to offer to
people with AIDS. Usually scientists work with rats and mice to investigate
things/perform studies. Jane has also done that. But her latest publication is
based on a study with a group of americans having AIDS.
Jeg tog billedet til
Professor Ole G. Mouritsens Tangkonference i Carlsberg Akademiet i august 2010.
Det var i en pause, hvor vi alle sammen summede lidt rundt. Jeg lod mig
fotografisk set betage af den velbehagelige intimitet der var i Janes og Oles
samtale, indikerende et langvarigt, godt bekendtskab.
I øvrigt var jeg så heldig at blive bænket med Jane på min venstre side.
Måske var det lidt frækt at ta’ en
plads helt oppe foran blandt indlægsholderne på konferencen. Men jeg var også
fotografen og mente, jeg bedst kunne tage billeder ret tæt på.
I was shooting the photograph of Ole and Jane at his Symposium for
Seaweed at the Carlsberg Academy in august 2010. It was in a breaktime where we
all were humming around a bit. My
focus was attrackted to the lovely sight of seing the wellbeing, indicating a
good and lasting friendship. By the way I was lucky to get seated at the right
of Jane. Maybe it was a little naughty to go up to the front where the speakers
seats were. But I was also the photographer and wanted to have close shuts.
Jane og jeg kom i snak
og har siden haft ganske meget kontakt på internettet. Hun har adgang til
samtlige videnskabelige publikationer, der nogensinde er fremstillet af
videnskabsfolk om tangs egenskaber, hvilket jeg har haft stor nytte af som selvstuderende.
Jane and I had some good chat and ever since we have spoken a lot at the
internet. She has open access to every scientific publication there has ever
been produced by scientists at the issue what compounds of seaweed can give of
nutrion to human cells and the immunesystem. To me it has been a smorgasbord of
information to have access to for my independent studies, which I’m greatful
for J
Artiklen her er et
resultat af, Jane har fået udgivet en publikation, hvor hun redegør for erfaringerne
med at lade en gruppe amerikanere med AIDS prøve af, hvad kapsler indeholdende
sporofyller af tangarten Alaria kan gøre for dem i samarbejde med kapsler af
mikroalgearten Spirulina.
This article I’m writing is a result of the fact Jane have had a
publication released, where she offers the knowledge what good it did to actual
people with AIDS, digesting 2½ grams of sporofyllas of Undaria as capsules and
2½ grams of Spirulina as capsules.
Hvad er sporofyller af
Alaria? Jane har sendt et billede, hvor man ser producenten af disse kapsler,
Gonzalo Soriano, Argentina.
What is sporofyllas of Alaria pinnatifida? Jane has sent this picture of
the producer of the capsules being used in the study. He is Gonzalo Soriano of
Argentina. Lovely coastside J
Tangarten han står med hedder
Vingetang, Butare på norsk og sporofyllerne er den kraftige udvækst der ses
lige oven over rodfæstningen, under Gonzalos udstrakte hånd. Sporofyllerne er
sådan set tangartens kønsorganer. Det er her sporerne til nye vækster bliver
skabt. Der er et særligt højt indhold af polysakkaridet Fucoidan i
sporofyllerne, sikkert for at beskytte sporeproduktionen.
The kind of seaweed Gonzalo is standing with is Undaria pinnatifida and
the sporofyllas is the mighty thing seen right over the holdfast under his showing
hand. The sporofyllas are so to say the genital organs of this particularly
seaweed. This is where the spores for new creatures are being made. The content
of the polysaccharide Fucoidan is very large in the sporofyllas. Proberly to
protect the production of spores from harmful bacterias, viruses and spores of
Fucoidan evner at begrænse
HIV ved at binde sig til afkom af viruset og forhindre dem i at trænge ind i en
ny værtscelle. Derved dør viruset”barnet”, da det kun kan leve i 6 timer uden
en human værtscelle at få næring fra. Derved mister “moder”viruset evnen til at
reproducere sig selv.
Fucoidan has the ability to kill the “babies” of a ”mother” HIV virus.
They have to attach to a human cell within 6 hours to get proper nourishment. If
not they die. Fucoidan makes sure the surface of human cells are able to refuse
being connected with the “baby” HIV virus. Thus the Mother is only having “babies”
born to die.
For how long time will she live her self then as a population, not being able
to have mature grownups? Hmmm???
Herhjemme i Norden har vi en tilsvarende tangart. Den hedder Butare og kan høstes i Norge.
Up here in the North of the Scandinavian Countries we do have a seaweed
just like Undaria. It has the name Butare and can be harvested at the coasts of
upper Norway.
Linket til Janes nyeste
AIDS-publikation er her. Neden under resuméet i spalte 1 er oplyst hendes
faglige mailadresse:
Janes AIDS publikation er bemærkelsesværdig i og med
hun, af egen lomme, har betalt 3.000$ for at den kan ligge frit fremme på
forlagets hjemmeside til offentlig download.
Janes AIDS
publication is quit extradinary since she out of her own pocket have paid none
less than 3,000 $ for anyone to download it for free from the publishers
I andre tilfælde er det ofte sådan, at man kan se en
kort omtale af publikationen, men skal betale for at få adgang til at læse den,
med mindre man er ansat på et universitet.
Other times it
might be so with such articles, one can read a shortpiece of it and then one
will have to pay to read the full texture, if one are not a part of the Ph.D. worldsociety.
Man må sige det er en hjertesag for Jane, det bliver kendt, indholdsstoffer i tang kan
gøre noget for at hjælpe mennesker der har AIDS J.
One might say Jane
has very much at heart it shall be
from mouth to mouth compounds of algae has something good to offer to people
suffering from AIDS J.
Den laveste forekomst af AIDS gennem de sidste 30 år
finder sted i de lande, hvor befolkningen gennemsnitligt er verdens mest algeforbrugende
i maden. Det er Japan, Korea og Chad i Afrika. Dette turde i sig selv bidrage
til at forklare, algeriget i almindelighed virker forebyggende på udvikling af
bl.a. AIDS.
Dietary algae have
been reported to decrease HIV viral fusion/entry and replication and increase
immune response, suggesting that regularly consumption of algae by people in
Japan, Korea and Chad could be an important factor in their relatively low
HIV/AIDS rates.
Især de brune tangarter indeholder en bred vifte af
bioaktive komponenter, der tjener som tangs eget immunforsvar som det står i
havet. Tang har også brug for at beskytte sig mod infektioner af skadevoldende
bakterier, virus, svampesporer og skadelig bestråling. Til dette formål er
udviklet mere end 20 kemiske stoffer, der opretholder tangens integritet og
Especially brown
seaweeds have a wide range of more than 20 compounds who serves as its own
biological defence against infections from harmful bacteria, viruses and spores
of fungus.
Though not having a human selfdefence, seaweed have developed chemical
immunesystem. This system has uphold the integrity and vitality of the seaweeds
for longer time than any other creature at earth.
Deltagerne i Jane Teas
experiment blev henvist fra praktiserende læger.
De fik udleveret fem 500 milligrams kapsler af sporofyller af Undaria pr. dag
og fem 600 milligrams kapsler af Spirulina pr. dag.
The participants of Janes study was signed up by
practising doctors. They were given five 500 milligram capsules of Undaria
sporofylla per day and five 600 milligram capsules of Spirulina.
blev dels målt på ved hjælp af blodprøver. Dels blev de med spørgeskemaer
udspurgt om graden af deres daglige velvære.
The participants were being tested by blood and what
they experienced of eventual better wellbeing at different issues in ordinary
Der var
ingen negative bivirkninger af kapselindtaget.
There was no negative sideeffects to recognize.
konkluderer, det er påvist at mængden af HIV virus blev reduceret og at
deltagernes egen oplevelse af dagligt velvære blev forbedret. Endvidere skriver
hun, brune tangarter og spirulina med i kosten oplagt vil være en fordel for mennesker,
der har AIDS uden at have adgang til medicin og at det er oplagt at forske
videre i potentialet fra tang.
Janes conclusion is, it has been proofed chemical
compounds of seaweed can reduce the amount of HIV virus seen in the blood and
that the wellbeing of those digesting seaweed having AIDS improves significant.
This is very relevant for all those not having access to AIDS medicine.
Jane thinks it’s a very good idea to have some more studies of the potential in
seaweeds to even help people suffering from AIDS J.
I suppose it’ll be a good idea to study this for all
those millions of people in the world who is having AIDS but having no access to AIDS medicine…