I got a vision right now. What I see in front of me is a movement among us Nordic people harvesting our own seaweed to eat, thus again becoming part of this our ancient practise with roots back to our paleolithic ancestors, maintained and uphold by most the rest of the populations living at our beautiful planet Earth. Why we let the tradition behind for some thousandth years is only important looking at the issue, we as populations are quiet extremly wounded at the moment, having forgotten about what seaweed gives to ordinary health and vitality. Maybe the surname of this woundedness is to think and fell seaweed as the most disgusting there could ever be.
Only one here up in the north that was thinking of seaweed as such an disgusting thing a thousandth years ago, was the catholic church who had lived with us for many hundred years peacefully. How they managed to turn a seaweed and other wild herbs loving people into someone that shatters with fear hearing of these things, is an indeed awfull story to be told.
Hvad den katolske kirke betragtede som djævleyngel i form af hekse og trolde, var mennesker der med stolthed besad den ældgamle lægevidenskabelige viden om urter og tang. De gamle shamanmænd og -kvinder. Disse mennesker blev fra 11-hundredetallet helt op til 16-hundredetallet forfulgt, arresteret, bragt for inkvisisatoren, tortureret på det grusomste og henrettet på de mest lidelsesfulde måder.
Whom the catolic church was considering being broad of the devil were women and men proud to be upholding ancient knowledge of the herbs and seaweeds for the science of human wellbeing.
Shaman. Medicinwomen and -men.
500 years with this madness made all the rest of the folks think of wild herbs and seaweeds as something in particularly not nice in any way to be involved with. The whole subject was actually being put away into the deepest area of the common consciousness as something extremely horrible to even think of. In stead the wisdom of the catolic church was at the scene: Eat your white bread with italian wheet every morning and be Gods lovely child thus. Hmmm.....
Of course our ancient wisdom has survived hidden in old books, textures and in people practising it secretly.
These days the Pope recently, historically seen, have expressed his deep regret his church performed this brutal killing of the leading persons of our ancient culture, with its own religion.
New times are here and the wisdom of what seaweed has to offer to human wellbeing and vitality is blooming again just like that. I am happy people acknowledge I'm representing not only our ancient seaweedknowledge but also new results from modern science. The latter is walking in the good foodsteps of the first at the issue knowing seaweed has some quite extradinary good gifts to give to mankind :-)