torsdag den 10. januar 2013

Speach given by Grandfather Ocean to Seaweedlovers

Grandfather Ocean is John Lewallen, The Founder of Mendocino Sea Vegetable Company
I let him speak on his own since I think it is a wonderful speach ♥♥♥:

Seaweed Speaks
©2013 by John Lewallen

            Wild seaweed loves people. Timeless, infinitely powerful, shimmering, undulating in the phantasmagoric, psychedelic intertidal, wild seaweed whispers to its human lovers:
            Come hither! You are my beloved children. My body is your body. My elements are your elements.  You are seas and oceans walking on land!          
            Now I summon the seaweed people to come unto me in awe, with love and respect. Know me as sacred food, healing nourishment to help you live in delight through the fear-driven madness of radioactive warfare and petrochemical pollution.
            Come in the spring and summer days, when the kiss of abundant sunshine awakens my rapid, prolific blade growth. Come on the days and hours around new moons and full moons, when Sun, Earth and Moon hold hands; when, sighing, the oceans recede in deep low tides, revealing the iridescent, multi-colored, shape-shifting, ecstatic orgy of my season of reproduction.
            My sporing bodies, my blades of egg and sperm, I offer freely and abundantly to you as eternally regenerating food. Eat me fresh from the rocks and know the full power of my subtle tastes, the full surge of ocean elements delighting your body. Use your sacred hands to carefully trim my blades in their prime, just before we dissolve in an orgasm, making a frothy, milky foam of spores, sperm and eggs in the nearshore ocean waters. Rapidly and completely dry my delectable blades in the sunlight which gives all life, with reverential love and care, store me cool, dark and dry, and I will feed you essential nutrients for many winters.
            Treat me with love, respect, and generosity, and know the mystical power of harvesting within the natural flow. Slash me greedily and poison me, and know the Hell on Earth which comes from scorning and attacking your sacred friends and allies, the pandemic disease arising from polluting the source of your life.
            Do not fear destroying me. You cannot know the countless eons I have lived. I ate the flesh and bones of the dinosaurs, just as I will eat the ashes and remains of your bodies when your time comes. To me, ten thousand years is but a fleeting instant.
            If you chop me up, I will proliferate vegetatively and spread far and wide. Pollute the seas, and I will gather and absorb pollutants along with all other elements dissolved in ocean water. With my holdfasts I cling to offshore oil rigs and all other structures in the ocean, making them my home.  I ride the hulls of ships, invading new habitats worldwide.
            You know both love and fear. I am pure love, the love that drives and suffuses all creation. What makes some of you think you have a unique and separate identity, as if each bullwhip kelp had a separate soul?
            I love your songs and offerings of your personal beauty made at sea’s edge before you take my life-giving offerings to you. You are here to create and share your unique beauty.
            Nurture all humanity, and you will nurture yourselves. Continue your wars and worship of personal greed, and your elaborate global electronic civilization will collapse, driving survivors back to the timeless, indestructible intertidal zone for food.
            Devotees of seaweed, hear our call to bring our nutritious, healing powers to all humanity! You may come to realize that seaweed loves people unconditionally and infinitely. Seaweed loves all you people more than you love yourselves!