fredag den 17. februar 2012

Der var engang vi holdt op med at bruge tang i maden

Der var engang vi havde haft tang med i maden gennem 9.000 år siden iskappen smeltede og gjorde Danmark frit. Det ophørte for nu mere end 1.000 år siden. Hvordan kan det dog være?

I folkemindesamlingerne er det oplyst, tang dengang blev til fattigmandskost.
Derefterdags i nu tusind år var det blandt bedsteborgere meget mere moderne at have hvid brød med i morgenmaden som en slags hellig nadver, gerne med korn fra Italien, i stedet for at opretholde det urgamle, hedenske bud om bar' en lil' bit' smul' tang med i morgenmaden og dagens andet måltid.

Fattigmandskost lyder som noget ulækkert, nogen kun forfalder til at spise ud i yderste armod, hvor der absolut ej er andet at komme efter :-)

Jeg har haft min helt egen, private teori om hvordan denne sociologiske forvandlingsproces meget vel kan tænkes at ha' fundet sted. Onsdag den 8. februar til konference hos Teknologisk Institut bekræftigede Dronneligt Benådet Professor Ole G. Mouritsen min teori. Jeg stillede ham spørgsmålet:
Hvordan kan det være, vi holdt op med at ha' tang med i maden, dengang vi gjorde det?

Ole svarede, udlagt med mine egne ord: "Tjah... I overgangen fra den ene religion til den anden sker det nogle gange, at kostvanerne ændres, således at ting man i den tidligere skik og brug betragtede som værdifulde bliver dømt ude".

Hmmm... Skift fra hvilken religion til en anden? (De unge mennesker ved ingenting om det i dag, antropologisk, sociologisk, kulturelt og historisk set :-))

Let's go up in the helicopter from where things are clearly seen!

If One take a historical check of what the Catholic Church have done in the years from Christ being a thousandth of years old and the next five hundred years, One will find the Catholic Church with its Imperialistic behaviours was indeed certainly cruel to the leaders of the Native religions, who had survived well for milleniums until the catholic munks came around for "friendly visit".

Think about the Natives of Australia, the Aborigians. Think about the Natives of America, both south and north. Think about the very well organised Viking community we had up here in the north of Scandinavia, doing peaceful trade with fellowmen and women.
Anywhere the Catholic munks have practised to change culturel behaviours they've used extreme brutal torture and being burned to death afterwards. Up here in the north for five hundred years from the year 1,000 people were being treathent like this for one of the only reasons they had been caught in the act, having seaweed with them in the breakfast and no white bread. Other reasons were having used other of the wild herbs in the dayli meal. Things that today are adviced to eat by the Council of Nordic Ministers.

Some year ago the Pope at that time for the Vatican expressed his most painful sorrow and grief for what his church did at that time, way back in history. Public at TV. Right up in my face.

Do I want revange for what was done to my personal at that time, being keen on upholding the tradition for seaweed to be used still in the food?

No. They are taking very good care of this themselves in many ways I do not need to describe since its better than well known.

I'm just happy seaweed again is at the daily table of consciousness of what we need to eat daily, twice, to be insane and fit for life, though being elderly.